The sharing or misuse of personal information on social media platforms, leading to harm to reputation, safety, and identity.
The act of befriending and building trust with someone online in order to exploit them later.
A user's personal page on a social media platform, which may include information such as a bio, profile picture, and other personal details.
The practice of sending sexually explicit messages, images, or videos through social media or other electronic communication.
Controls on social media platforms that allow users to choose who can see their content and personal information.
The practice of protecting electronic devices and online services from unauthorized access, attacks, and threats.
A feature on many social media platforms that allows users to post short-lived content that disappears after a set amount of time.
The responsible and ethical use of technology and social media, with respect for others' privacy and rights.
The practice of monitoring and collecting data on social media users for purposes such as marketing, surveillance, or law enforcement.
A person who has a large following on social media and can use their platform to promote products, services, or ideas.
"Social Media First Aid Train the Trainer" is a training program where people learn to become trainers in social media first aid. This involves teaching them how to respond to online crises, like cyberbullying and harmful content, and equipping them to train others in these skills. It's a way to spread expertise in handling online emergencies within different communities and organizations.