Triple Conscious Theory by Jonathan N Bertrand

March 27, 2024

The Triple Conscious Theory, developed in 2015, dissects the interplay between our public, private, and social media personas. It delves into the impact of these identities on self-perception and societal interactions, spotlighting the often discordant relationship between our online portrayals and real-life experiences. Additionally, the theory addresses the addictive nature of social media and its implications for mental health, urging a mindful approach to our digital and physical lives. This insightful perspective encourages a balanced engagement with our multifaceted selves in the contemporary digital landscape.

In 2015, during my initial year at Florida A&M University, the seeds of what would become known as the Triple Conscious Theory were planted. This groundbreaking concept sought to illuminate the intricate web of personas we navigate in our increasingly digital lives—delineating the public, private, and social media facets of our identities. At its core, the theory explores the dichotomy between our online and offline selves, offering a nuanced understanding of how these distinct personas intersect and influence one another.The Triple Conscious Theory posits three primary personas: the public persona, shaped by societal perceptions; the private persona, known only to close friends and family; and the social media persona, crafted for and perceived by our online followers. This triad of identities underscores the complexities of modern existence, where online platforms often dictate social dynamics and self-perception.Contrary to the glossy, curated glimpses of life frequently showcased on social media, the theory peels back the layers to reveal the dissonance between these personas. It highlights how the social media persona, in particular, can lead to a disconnection from the tangible, physical world, as individuals strive to align their real-life experiences with the expectations and norms of their online circles.Moreover, the Triple Conscious Theory sheds light on the phenomenon of social networking addiction—a testament to the theory's relevance and urgency in our digital age. This addiction is characterized by a compulsive engagement with social media platforms, leading to detrimental effects on one's mental and physical well-being. The theory's exploration of this addiction underscores the broader implications of our online behaviors, extending beyond personal identity to encompass societal and cultural dimensions.By challenging us to confront the contradictions between our inner lives and outward presentations, the Triple Conscious Theory serves as a critical lens through which we can examine the impact of social media on our identities and relationships. It underscores the importance of navigating our digital and physical realities with awareness and intentionality, advocating for a balanced approach to our interconnected lives.In essence, the Triple Conscious Theory, conceived within the academic halls but resonating far beyond, offers a profound commentary on the intersection of technology, identity, and society. It invites us to reflect on the ways in which our digital personas shape, and are shaped by, our lived experiences—fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities of contemporary life oai_citation:1,Error.

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